Aya Rindo: The Enigmatic 962-Year-Old Detective of Undead Girl Murder Farce

Aya Rindo (輪堂 鴉夜, Rindō Aya) is one of the main characters in the Undead Girl Murder Farce series. She is a beautiful 962-year-old girl detective who has become a detached head. She is trying to find her missing main body.


Rindo Aya
Rindo Aya

Aya has long black hair tied with a red ribbon. Her eyes are red, and she wears black glasses. Her head is separated from her body and is usually carried in a birdcage.


Aya is a detective specializing in cases involving monsters. She is said to be the only "eternal" creature in this world and has lived for 962 years. One day, she was attacked and had to travel around Europe to retrieve her stolen body. As she cannot move on her own, she is usually assisted by her friends.


The name Aya means "crow" (鴉) (a) and "night" (夜) (ya).

The last name Aya Rindo means "ring, circle, bracelet" (輪) (rin) and "hall" (堂) (do).


Rindo Aya
Rindo Aya

Rindo Aya is an eternal being created through someone's experiment, but her identity was not known until now. The experiment aimed to create a living being that cannot die by combining human and yōkai DNA. However, the experiment failed and resulted in an unstable and dangerous creature. Rindo Aya is one of the victims of that experiment, who managed to escape from the laboratory where she was created. She then lives as a detective investigating cases related to monsters while seeking to uncover who is responsible for her fate.

Source: [UNDEAD GIRL MURDER FARCE WIKI], [Additional information from user]

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