Hyoma Kunato: The Exorcist Who Learned to Love the Spirits

Kunato Hyoma
Kunato Hyoma

Hyoma Kunato is a fictional character from the anime and manga series Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari. He is a young man who belongs to a clan of exorcists who can use divine powers to send spirits called tsukumogami back to their world. He has a strong hatred for the tsukumogami who killed his brother and sister, and seeks revenge against them. He is sent to live with Nagatsuki Botan, another exorcist who has a good relationship with the tsukumogami, to help him see another side of the spirits. He is voiced by Ootsuka Takeo in the Japanese version of the anime. You can watch the anime on Crunchyroll.

Hyoma Kunato hates tsukumogami because he witnessed his brother and sister being killed by an evil spirit when he was young. He blames all tsukumogami for their deaths and seeks revenge on the one who took everything from him. He is traumatized by the incident and refuses to use peaceful methods to deal with the spirits, unlike most saenome who can seal them with a simple verbal exchange. He is also jealous of the Nagatsuki family, who live in harmony with six tsukumogami and treat them as part of their family. He thinks they are naive and foolish for trusting the spirits.

Hyoma Kunato initially dislikes living with Nagatsuki Botan and his tsukumogami. He often clashes with them and tries to drive or kill them. He also does not respect Botan as a saenome, because he considers him too weak and cowardly. However, as time goes by, he begins to see another side of the tsukumogami, who are not all evil and hostile. He also realizes that Botan has an amazing power, but he chooses not to use it to hurt the spirits.

One of the important moments in Hyoma Kunato's character development is when he meets the tsukumogami who killed his family. He intends to take revenge, but he is shocked to find out that the spirit is actually his brother who turned into a tsukumogami because of his excessive hatred. His brother asks Hyoma to end his suffering with his divine power, but Hyoma cannot do it because he still loves him. Botan then comes and helps Hyoma to seal his brother in a peaceful way, without killing him.

After that incident, Hyoma Kunato starts to change for the better. He no longer hates all tsukumogami, but tries to understand them and their reasons for living in this world. He also becomes friends with Botan and his tsukumogami, and even helps them in their exorcism missions. He still has a stubborn and arrogant personality, but he also shows a soft and caring side to the people he cares about.

Hyoma Kunato is one of the most developed characters in the series Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari. He shows that someone can change for the better if he is willing to open his heart and mind to new things. He also shows that divine power is not everything, but what matters is how someone uses that power for good or evil. He is an example of someone who can overcome his past trauma with the help of his friends and family.

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