The Dark Secret of Nagatsuki Botan: Did She Kill Kunato Hyoma’s Siblings?


Nagatsuki Botan
Nagatsuki Botan

Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari is a popular anime and manga series that follows the adventures of Nagatsuki Botan, a young girl who can see and communicate with spirits known as tsukumogami, and Kunato Hyoma, a boy who belongs to a clan of exorcists who can use divine powers to send the tsukumogami back to their world. The series is known for its blend of comedy, action, romance, and mystery, as well as its colorful cast of characters and intriguing plot twists.

One of the most controversial and debated topics among the fans of the series is the theory that Botan, who is friendly with the tsukumogami, was somehow involved in the incident that claimed the lives of Hyoma's brother and sister, and that she is hiding a dark secret from him. This theory has not been confirmed or denied by the official sources, but it has sparked a lot of discussion and speculation among the fans.

The theory is based on several clues and hints that some fans have noticed throughout the series. Some of these are:

  • The anime and manga have not revealed the identity of the tsukumogami who killed Hyoma's siblings, nor the motive behind their attack. The only thing that is known is that they were powerful and ruthless, and that they left behind a mysterious symbol on the wall of Hyoma's house.
  • Botan has a friendly relationship with the tsukumogami, and often helps them with their problems. She also has a special ability to calm down angry or violent tsukumogami, and to make them trust her. She claims that she does this because she believes that not all tsukumogami are evil, and that they can coexist peacefully with humans.
  • Botan has a mysterious past that she does not like to talk about. She lives alone in a small apartment, and does not seem to have any family or friends. She also has a strange scar on her chest that she always tries to hide. She says that she got it from an accident when she was young, but some fans suspect that there is more to it than that.
  • Botan and Hyoma have a complicated relationship. They are often at odds with each other because of their different views on the tsukumogami, but they also develop feelings for each other as they spend more time together. Botan seems to care deeply for Hyoma, and tries to help him overcome his hatred for the tsukumogami. However, she also seems to be hiding something from him, and sometimes acts suspiciously or nervously around him.
  • In one of the episodes of the anime, Botan has a nightmare where she sees Hyoma's siblings being killed by a tsukumogami. She wakes up screaming and crying, and Hyoma tries to comfort her. He asks her what she saw in her dream, but she refuses to tell him. She says that it was nothing, and that she does not remember anything. Some fans think that this was a sign that Botan was somehow involved in the incident, and that she feels guilty about it.

Kunato Hyoma Siblings
Kunato Hyoma Siblings

Based on these clues and hints, some fans have come up with various scenarios and explanations for how Botan could have killed Hyoma's siblings. Some of these are:

  • Botan was working for or controlled by a powerful tsukumogami who wanted to eliminate Hyoma's clan because they posed a threat to their plans. Botan was sent to infiltrate Hyoma's house and kill his siblings while he was away. She then erased his memory of her involvement, and later pretended to be his friend.
  • Botan was possessed by a malicious tsukumogami who forced her to kill Hyoma's siblings against her will. She then escaped from its control, but could not remember what she had done. She later met Hyoma again by chance, and felt drawn to him because of their shared connection to the incident.
  • Botan was experimenting with her ability to calm down tsukumogami, and accidentally unleashed a powerful one that went berserk and killed Hyoma's siblings. She then tried to stop it, but failed. She then fled from the scene, leaving behind the symbol on the wall as a clue for Hyoma.
  • Botan was jealous of Hyoma's siblings because they had a happy family life while she had none. She also had a crush on Hyoma, but felt that he would never love her back because of his devotion to his clan. She then decided to kill his siblings out of spite and anger, hoping that he would turn to her for comfort.

These are just some of the possible scenarios that some fans have come up with for the theory that Botan killed Kunato Hyoma's siblings. However, there are also many fans who think that this theory is baseless and unfair to Botan, and that she is innocent of any wrongdoing. They argue that:

  • There is no solid evidence or proof that Botan was involved in the incident, and that all the clues and hints are vague and ambiguous. They could be interpreted in different ways, or be unrelated to the incident altogether.
  • Botan is a kind and compassionate person who would never harm anyone, let alone Hyoma's siblings. She has shown genuine care and concern for Hyoma, and has helped him grow as a person and as an exorcist. She has also risked her life to protect him and the tsukumogami from danger on several occasions.
  • Botan's past and scar are not necessarily related to the incident, and could have other explanations. She could have been orphaned or abandoned by her parents, or have been involved in a different accident that left her with the scar. She could also have a traumatic memory that she does not want to recall, but that has nothing to do with Hyoma's siblings.
  • Botan's nightmare could have been a result of her empathy for Hyoma, and her fear of losing him. She could have imagined what he went through when he lost his siblings, and felt his pain as if it were her own. She could also have been influenced by the tsukumogami's emotions, and seen their memories of the incident.

These are some of the arguments that some fans have made in defense of Botan, and against the theory that she killed Kunato Hyoma's siblings. They believe that Botan is a good person who loves Hyoma, and that they are meant to be together.

The theory that Botan killed Kunato Hyoma's siblings is one of the most controversial and debated topics among the fans of Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari. It has divided the fandom into two camps: those who support it, and those who oppose it. The official sources have not given any clear answer or resolution to this mystery, leaving it up to the fans to speculate and discuss. Whether this theory is true or false, it has certainly added more intrigue and excitement to the series.

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