Vermilio: Unveiling the Story of the Beautiful Demon in "Helck" Anime

"Helck" is an anime that tells the adventure of a human hero who aspires to become the demon king. This anime is adapted from the manga by Nanao Nanaki and features genres such as comedy, action, fantasy, and drama. One of the main characters in this anime is Vermilio, a beautiful demon possessing great power and intelligence, but also characterized by stubbornness and a tendency to panic. Vermilio is one of the four heavenly kings, the highest leaders in the demon world. There are many intriguing facts about Vermilio that you might not be aware of, and here is a brief overview of who Vermilio is in the anime "Helck."



Vermilio was born as an ordinary demon, lacking special powers or talents. She lived with her family in a small village in the demon world and aspired to become a scientist. Vermilio had a strong passion for learning and researching various subjects, especially magic and history. She cared deeply for the demon world and aimed to make it a better place.

One day, Vermilio had the opportunity to take the entrance exam for the magical academy, the highest educational institution in the demon world. She passed the exam with a perfect score and became the top student at the magical academy. There, she met Azudora, a demon with extraordinary power who became her close friend. Vermilio also encountered Mikaros, a demon talented in the arts and her rival.

At the magical academy, Vermilio learned a lot about magic, particularly fire magic. She discovered a strong affinity for fire and began developing her magical abilities related to fire. Vermilio also delved into the history of the demon world, particularly the story of the demon king Thor and the human hero who defeated him.

Power and Abilities

Vermilio possesses impressive power and abilities as a demon. She has a combat ability level of 78, making her one of the strongest beings in the demon world. Vermilio holds the title of the heavenly king of fire, one of the four heavenly kings in the demon world. The heavenly kings are demons with incredible power and are respected by all demon races.

She excels in fire magic and frequently employs fire as her primary weapon in battles. Vermilio can create fire in various forms and sizes, including fireballs, fire blasts, fire waves, and more. She can manipulate fire at will, making it follow her movements or form specific patterns. The fire she generates is extremely hot and can burn anything it touches.

Aside from fire magic, Vermilio possesses other combat-relevant abilities. She has exceptional speed and agility, allowing her to evade enemy attacks or pursue her targets. Vermilio also possesses considerable physical strength, enabling her to deliver powerful punches and kicks. Her keen sight and hearing enable her to detect the presence and movements of enemies.

Personality and Traits

Vermilio is a woman who thinks critically and logically. She always seeks to uncover the truth behind everything and is not easily swayed by things that are illogical or unfounded. She is highly intelligent and knowledgeable, particularly in the realms of magic and history. Vermilio often acts as an advisor to Azudora, her friend and another heavenly king.

However, she also has a stubborn and panicky side. She often insists on her own opinions or decisions and is not willing to listen to others. Vermilio frequently worries or becomes fearful of uncertain or dangerous situations, tending to overreact. She possesses honesty and loyalty; she won't lie or betray those she trusts.

Vermilio has a complicated relationship with Helck, a human hero participating in the competition to select a new demon king. She strongly dislikes Helck's presence and believes he harbors sinister plans to destroy the demon world. She tries various ways to undermine Helck, but her efforts fail due to Helck's exceptional abilities. She even attempts to disguise herself as a human to infiltrate Helck's camp, which backfires and arouses Helck's suspicion.

Over time, Vermilio starts to see another side of Helck – his kind, funny, and caring nature. She becomes confused about her feelings toward Helck, wondering if she still hates him or might even like him. Vermilio also uncovers hidden secrets behind the competition to choose the new demon king and must choose between the demon world and Helck.

Appearance and Style


Vermilio is a beautiful and captivating woman. She has long, bright red hair often tied into two ponytails. Her vibrant red eyes reflect her affinity for fire. She boasts fair white skin and a slender, graceful figure.

Vermilio typically dresses to reflect her status as the heavenly king of fire. She wears a long red and black gown with fire motifs at the hem. She also dons a black cloak with a high collar and long sleeves. Her knee-high black boots complete the ensemble. An elegant golden crown with a flame-shaped design adorns her head.

She frequently accessorizes to match her style. Vermilio wears red flame-shaped earrings that dangle from her ears. A red flame-shaped necklace encircles her neck, and she wears a red flame-shaped bracelet on her wrist.


Vermilio is a prominent character in the anime "Helck," which chronicles the journey of a human hero aspiring to become the demon king. Vermilio is a beautiful demon endowed with great power and intelligence, yet she possesses stubbornness and a tendency to panic. She ranks among the four heavenly kings, the highest leaders in the demon world. There are many intriguing facts about Vermilio, such as her fire magic abilities, her relationship with Helck, and her likes and dislikes.

This concludes the brief article about who Vermilio is in the anime "Helck." We hope this article proves informative for those eager to learn more about the character Vermilio from the anime "Helck." Thank you for reading this article to the end.

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