Why Did the Strongest Demon Slayer Become the Upper Moon Demon Rank 1?



Hello, anime enthusiasts of Kimetsu no Yaiba! This time, we will delve into the mysterious and powerful character within the series, Kokushibo. How did he, once an honorable samurai and Yoriichi's sibling, end up becoming a loyal demon under Muzan and achieving the highest rank among the Upper Moon Demons? Let's find out the answer in the following review. Don't forget to subscribe and give this article a thumbs up!

Background of Kokushibo and Yoriichi:

Kokushibo and Yoriichi, a pair of twin siblings, were born 480 years ago in the Sugikuni samurai family. Their faces resemble each other, but their destinies differ. Kokushibo, the elder brother, was expected to be the family's heir and aspired to become the strongest samurai. On the other hand, Yoriichi, the younger brother, was born with a mark considered a curse and revered. When Yoriichi was still a baby, their father intended to kill him, but their mother protected him and sent him to a temple as a monk at the age of 10.

Despite being considered cursed, Yoriichi possessed extraordinary talent. He could read and write from the age of 3 and was adept at wielding a sword, even surpassing his older brother. At the age of 7, Yoriichi easily defeated their father's subordinates. This triggered feelings of envy and self-doubt in Kokushibo.

Reunion and Transformation of Kokushibo:

After being separated for 10 years, Kokushibo and Yoriichi reunited at the age of 17. Kokushibo had become a renowned samurai with a family, while Yoriichi became the strongest demon slayer who joined the Ubuyashiki corps. Kokushibo felt envious and jealous, leaving his family to become a demon slayer in hopes of defeating Yoriichi. However, Yoriichi died young.

After Yoriichi's passing, Kokushibo felt frustrated and desperate. He wanted to change his fate and transformed into a demon through Muzan. Despite gaining power and mastering the technique of the Full Moon Breathing, Kokushibo felt like he had lost everything, including his family and Yoriichi's legacy. He regretted his choices, feeling he had betrayed his younger brother's legacy.


Kokushibo is a tragic and complex character in Kimetsu no Yaiba. He was a talented samurai who transformed due to ambition and envy. His journey depicts an ongoing internal struggle. He desired perfection but couldn't accept his imperfections. He sought immortality but felt empty. Kokushibo's story teaches us that sometimes, the pursuit of perfection can lead us into the trap of despair.


That's the explanation of why Kokushibo, the strongest demon slayer, ended up becoming the Upper Moon Demon Rank 1. If you have any comments or questions, feel free to share in the comment section. See you in the next article, and thank you for reading!

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