Wizard on a Remote Island in the Anime Helck: Who is She?

Anime Helck is an adaptation of the popular manga by Nanaki Nanao, which tells the story of a human hero named Helck, who participates in a tournament to choose the new Demon King. In this anime, there is a remote island that serves as the home to a mysterious wizard, possessing a wide range of powerful magical abilities.

Who is this wizard? Could he be Vermilio from the future?

Wizard from Helck
Wizard from Helck on Island

Vermilio is one of the main characters in the anime Helck, being one of the Four Heavenly Kings who oversee the demon world together. He is a red-haired demon with formidable fire magic abilities. He is also a close friend of Helck and often assists him in various situations.

Could the wizard on the remote island be Vermilio from the future? There are several possible answers to this question.

Wizard from Helck in Island
Is she Vermilio?

  • First possibility: Yes, the wizard is Vermilio from the future. Perhaps he retreated to the remote island to hide from the demon world, which disagreed with his choice to befriend Helck. It's also possible that something happened between Vermilio and Helck, leading him to isolate himself on the remote island.
  • Second possibility: No, the wizard is not Vermilio from the future. He might be another demon who has a connection to Vermilio, such as a sibling or relative. He could also have other reasons for residing on the remote island, like searching for treasure or forbidden knowledge.
  • Third possibility: There is no connection between the wizard and Vermilio. He could be a new character not yet introduced in the Helck anime. He might also have his own goals or motives for being a wizard on the remote island, which will be revealed lstory.0n the story.

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