8 Facts About Satoru Gojo in Jujutsu Kaisen: The User of Six Eyes and Limitless

Satoru Gojo
Satoru Gojo

Satoru Gojo is one of the main protagonists in the Jujutsu Kaisen series. He is a special-grade jujutsu sorcerer and recognized as the strongest in the world. Satoru is the pride of the Gojo Family, the first person to inherit the Limitless Cursed Technique and Six Eyes in four hundred years. He works as a teacher at Tokyo Jujutsu High and uses his influence to protect and train powerful young allies.

Here are 8 interesting facts about Satoru Gojo that you might not know:

1. Satoru's Appearance:

Satoru is a very tall, slim, and muscular man in his late twenties, considered quite handsome, especially due to his facial features. He has snow-white hair and Six Eyes, which are bright blue. Satoru usually covers his eyes with a black blindfold, which also lifts his hair, giving him a sharper appearance. When in a more casual look, Satoru wears black glasses and lets his hair flow down to the base of his neck. While working, Satoru wears a dark blue zippered jacket with a high collar, wide enough to cover most of his face. He wears tight black pants and black ankle boots. Before switching to a simple blindfold, Satoru used to wear a bandage over his eyes. Satoru likes to wear expensive clothes and has several casual looks that he pairs with his black glasses. When still a student at Tokyo Jujutsu High, Satoru wore the regular school uniform with his black glasses before adopting a makeshift blindfold.

2. Satoru's Personality:

Satoru is a complex individual. He often appears laid-back and enjoys fooling around with his students, close colleagues, and friends. However, he is unsympathetic and cruel towards executive sorcerers, exemplified by his disrespectful attitude towards Principal Gakuganji and his enemies. Satoru is highly confident in his abilities and reputation as a powerful sorcerer, believing himself to be unbeatable. His opinions about others often extend only to an assessment of their strength, and he is quite indifferent to anyone he deems weak. Moreover, influenced greatly by his own desire for power, he is very arrogant. He is convinced that he is the strongest in the world, which, technically, he is, claiming, while fighting Toji Fushiguro, that "in the entire sky and earth, he is the only honorable one." This is further showcased when he is tasked with protecting Riko Amanai, one of the few 'weak' people he genuinely shows pity for. However, any empathy for her death is quickly overridden by his immense pride and arrogance after perfecting his reverse technique in the next battle against Toji Fushiguro. In intense battles, Satoru is occasionally seen descending into a crazed fighting state, driven by his determination to win and the undeniable proof that he is the strongest. His fighting style is marked by aggressive and dominating attacks, showcasing his mastered techniques to his opponents. Additionally, in crises, he can be cold. He will prioritize the destruction of his enemies over saving innocent people when he believes that sacrifice is unavoidable. However, this only applies to people killed by his opponents; he won't do anything that harms or kills anyone innocent to gain an advantage. 

Despite his arrogance and strength, Satoru is more humane than initially seen. After defeating Toji, Satoru takes Riko's corpse with a sad look, showing that despite his recent arrogant victory momentarily shrouding his feelings, he still feels a bit of sadness over her death. He attempts to kill members of the Star Religious Group who laughed at Riko's death, although prevented by Suguru Geto—whom he relies on as a moral compass at that time—before taking any action. Furthermore, Satoru is later left with horror and panic after learning that Suguru, his only true friend, has become a cursed user murderer. Satoru tries to advise his friend but ultimately realizes and accepts that he lost the only person he truly considered an equal. After having to end Suguru before a greater disaster arises, Satoru's trauma over losing his friend leads to his final downfall in Shibuya. He also despairs when Yuji appears to be dead. Satoru's ultimate goal is to reform the jujutsu world from the ground up through education. He strives to nurture a new generation of sorcerers that he hopes will one day be on par with him.

3. Abilities and Strength of Satoru:

Even among special-grade sorcerers, Satoru is known as the strongest in this series, having an enormous amount of cursed energy and highly powerful techniques. No one seems to match his level of skill in the current story, except for Cursed Spirit Rika, Sukuna. As a student, Satoru and Suguru were both considered "the strongest," capable of defeating experienced and powerful curse users with ease. After realizing and perfecting his abilities, Satoru's power skyrocketed, allowing him to make Toji Fushiguro endure and eventually kill him with his strongest technique, whereas previously he and Geto were unmatched against the renowned Cursed Spirit Killer. As he continues to grow, he surpasses Suguru's strength to the point where Suguru acknowledges that Satoru has truly become the strongest on his own. Suguru also states that Satoru has the ability to single-handedly kill the entire human race, which Suguru admits is beyond his capability, and does not attempt to fight back when Satoru prepares to kill him, though Satoru eventually relents because he couldn't bring himself to kill his friend. In the present, Satoru's strength is feared by the higher-ups in the jujutsu society, allowing Satoru to easily force them to cancel the execution of dangerous special-grade sorcerers like Yuta Okkotsu and Yuji Itadori, who is the vessel for Sukuna, and he states that it would be easy for him to kill them all and overthrow the jujutsu society if he truly wanted to. Satoru even claims that he can defeat Sukuna at his full strength. Kenjaku and his special-grade cursed group were also wary.

Satoru Gojo
Satoru Gojo

4. Satoru's Inherent Technique:

Satoru's inherent technique is Limitless, which originates from the Gojo Family. This technique grants its user almost absolute control over space through the manipulation of cursed energy at the atomic level, resulting in various outcomes and techniques within the overall ability. With space manipulation as the basic level of this technique, Limitless has three standard forms and one "non-standard" form beyond these. Infinity is the neutral form of Limitless, commonly known as the ability to stop, although this is a common misunderstanding as the true power of Infinity is to slow down everything. When something tries to hit Satoru, the person or object in question instead hits the infinite space between itself and them. According to Satoru, this is a convergence of the infinite series and comes directly from the Achilles and the Tortoise paradox. Similar to how Achilles will never catch the tortoise because of the potential, the infinite limited space separating them or how real number one will never touch real number two because of the infinite fractions separating them, opponents will never touch Satoru because of the infinite space between them. 

Satoru can decide what touches him and what doesn't, and he can do so based on mass, speed, and danger rating. Blue is the enhanced version of the neutral Limitless; Blue is a byproduct of Gojo strengthening Limitless and negative energy, creating a vacuum. Through this, Gojo creates a scenario where the world itself is forced to fix itself and fill in negative space, causing all matter within the range of ordered space to be pulled together. Red is the reverse of Blue, having the opposite effect. Using its reverse technique to flip the properties of Blue, Satoru activates a divergence of his Infinity and causes an incredibly strong repelling force, pushing away all matter around him. Purple is an advanced technique that clashes with Lapse and Reversal of Limitless, producing imaginary mass launched at the target.

5. Satoru's Reverse Technique:

Initially, when still a first and second-year student at Jujutsu High, Satoru couldn't grasp the complex nature of the reverse technique, but after being pushed to the brink of death during his first battle with Toji Fushiguro, Satoru, tapping into the core of cursed energy, finally managed to unlock the ability to not only heal himself but also channel positive energy into Infinity, giving him access to Red and Hollow Purple attacks. Though he hasn't mastered the skill of healing others, something akin to Sukuna and Shoko, who can do it, by the time he becomes a third-year student, Satoru has mastered the reverse technique to the point where he developed an unprecedented ability to keep the reverse technique flowing through his body continuously to keep his brain fresh despite using Six Eyes and Limitless on a scale that would normally fry his brain, which also serves to heal him if there is an attack that penetrates his Infinity, the maximum output of his reverse technique can allow him to withstand the effects of Sukuna's Malevolent Shrine with healing himself as fast as Sukuna's Domain's rapid-fire attack. Satoru's personal application skills of the reverse technique are such that he even has the skill to use the reverse technique to replenish his depleted cursed energy after using Domain Expansion, an achievement believed by most who see it as impossible, even for a reverse technique expert at Yuta's level.

6. Satoru's Barrier Technique:

Satoru is also capable of using a barrier technique called Curtain, which throws a barrier over a specific area. The barrier can seal off that area from others or specific individuals who want to enter. New Shadow Style: Simple Domain is an anti-domain technique that Satoru can use to counter attacks that cannot miss from any domain targeting him. Satoru usually doesn't need to do this, and Yuji doesn't even know he can do it until the final fight with Sukuna. Unlike Yuki Tsukumo, Satoru is not suited to teach this technique to others. Falling Blossom Emotion is a secret art used as an anti-domain preventive measure. Gojo learned it when he was young but didn't use it until the battle with Sukuna. Typically, this technique can nullify domain attacks, however, due to Sukuna's extraordinary cursed energy pool, it only weakens the damage from Malevolent Shrine.

7. Satoru's Domain Expansion:

Unlimited Void is Satoru's Domain Expansion. It creates a metaphysical space that causes victims to receive all kinds of stimuli and information endlessly, limiting their thought processes and actions. In terms of raw power, Satoru's domain is on par with Sukuna's Malevolent Shrine inside it, only losing because Malevolent Shrine is an open domain that allows Sukuna to break through Unlimited Void's barrier. Satoru's skill with his Domain Expansion is so great that he can precisely control the range and activation time within 0.2 seconds, limiting its lasting effects on those he traps within, and can alter the conditions of Unlimited Void's barrier. Those he makes physical contact with are also immune to its effects.

8. Six Eyes of Satoru:

Not much is known about the Six Eyes, but it's known that they play a role in the proper use of Limitless. It has been stated that similar to Limitless, Six Eyes is also an inherent technique inherited through the Gojo Family. Yuta stated that Six Eyes allows Satoru to reduce the cursed energy consumption from activating techniques to almost zero and that he will never run out of cursed energy in battle as a result. It is not known whether this refers to the cost of the technique itself or the reduction of unnecessary loss for efficiency. Its use of "Maximum Cursed Energy Output" seems to imply the latter. It is strongly suggested that Six Eyes allows the user to perceive the world in terms of mass, speed, energy, and so on, along with other effects.

Here is an article about 8 Facts About Satoru Gojo from Jujutsu Kaisen. Hopefully, this article is useful and adds to your insight into this strong and charismatic character. Thank you for reading.

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