Spoiler Alert! Chapter 235 Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo Satoru's Victory?

In the spoiler of Chapter 235 of Jujutsu Kaisen, we are treated to a sensational battle in the uninhabited area of Shinjuku's 13th district. This battle has garnered attention as it involves Gojo Satoru dramatically activating the Hollow Purple technique. Let's summarize the epic moments from this chapter.

Gojo vs Sukuna
Gojo vs Sukuna

The battle begins with Agito's body shattered into pieces after being struck by Gojo's Blue attack. In the previous chapter, we saw Mahoraga sever Gojo's right hand. However, in Chapter 235, Gojo miraculously regenerates his hand using a reverse cursed technique, leaving Sukuna, who has joined forces with Mahoraga, looking disgruntled.

Sukuna looking disgruntled
Sukuna looking disgruntled

Gojo's intensity increases as he employs the Black Flash technique twice. Meanwhile, Ryomen Sukuna, the King of Curses, appears nervous for the first time in thousands of years. The battle continues, and Gojo executes the Black Flash attack for the third time on Mahoraga.

Gojo displays remarkable precision in his attacks, akin to the moves of a skilled chess player. Sukuna attempts to strike Gojo, but Gojo calmly blocks his attacks. The aerial battle rages on, with Gojo and Sukuna both striving for dominance.

Mahoraga tries to destroy Blue with his adaptations, while Sukuna attempts to shoot Blue with Piercing Blood. However, Gojo intervenes, creating a spectacular attack by combining Red and Blue to unleash Hollow Purple. The resulting explosion destroys all the buildings in the vicinity of the battle.

Hollow Purple destroyed the city
Hollow Purple destroyed the city

Surprisingly, Gojo is also affected by the explosion, and Mahoraga is instantly reduced to pieces, along with the entire city.

Sukuna, battered and bruised, exits the battle, having lost his left hand. Shortly after, Gojo emerges with wounds, but they are not too severe. Gojo promptly heals his injuries.

Although this battle is epic and intense, there are still many unanswered questions. Will Sukuna be able to heal his wounds like Gojo? Has the battle truly ended, or will there be intriguing developments in the future?

We will continue to await the exciting continuation of this story in the upcoming chapters. Thank you for your attention!

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