Jujutsu Kaisen: What is Culling Game and What Are Its Rules?

Jujutsu Kaisen Culling Game
Jujutsu Kaisen Culling Game

Culling Game is a battle royale game organized by Fake Geto or Kenjaku, an ancient sorcerer aiming to create a human revolution by merging the Japanese population with Master Tengen. Master Tengen is a sorcerer with the power to connect the human world and the spirit world. The game takes place in 10 different points throughout Japan, excluding Hokkaido, referred to as colonies. Each colony is connected by curtains or barriers forming a line. Fake Geto plans to move the entire Japanese population to the other side or "Igan," merging them with Master Tengen. The other side is a term referring to the afterlife, believed to be the border between life and death.

To participate in the Culling Game, players are accompanied by a shikigami named Kogane, acting as the game master. Kogane is a spirit creature that communicates with players through cursed techniques. Kogane is also responsible for awarding points to players who successfully kill others. These points can be used to negotiate with Kogane and introduce new rules to the Culling Game.

Culling Game has eight basic rules that players must adhere to. Here is a brief explanation of these rules:

1. Participation Declaration:

   After the resurrection of their cursed technique, players must declare their participation in the Culling Game in their chosen colony within 19 days. This rule emphasizes that sorcerers resurrected by Fake Geto must participate in the Culling Game. These sorcerers include those whose cursed techniques were resurrected by Fake Geto and those who have been vessels for sorcerers contracted with Fake Geto for thousands of years.

2. Consequence of Violation:

Players violating the first rule will have their cursed techniques removed. This rule explains that if sorcerers resurrected by Fake Geto refuse to participate in the Culling Game, their cursed techniques will be eliminated by damaging their brains, in other words, killing them. This also applies if players decide to quit in the middle of the game.

3. Involuntary Participants:

Non-players entering a colony will immediately become players and are considered to have declared their participation in the Culling Game. This rule explains that anyone, whether a civilian or a sorcerer outside of those resurrected by Fake Geto, can join the Culling Game by entering one of the colonies. However, civilians who were already inside the colony from the beginning are allowed to leave because the curtains or barriers surrounding the colony are strengthened by an oath to prevent the voluntary exit of players.

4. Player Objective:

Players earn points by ending the lives of other players. This rule emphasizes that the only way for players to earn points in the Culling Game is by killing other players within their colony.

5. Point Valuation:

Points will be needed by the game master, and these points indicate the value or price of each player's life. Generally, a sorcerer will be valued at five points, while a non-sorcerer will be valued at one point. This rule explains that each player will be labeled with different points, depending on their status and abilities as sorcerers or non-sorcerers.

6. Negotiation Using Points:

Without counting points from their own lives, players can exchange 100 points to negotiate with the game master and add a new rule to the Culling Game. This rule explains that players can use the points they earn to change the conditions of the Culling Game by adding new rules that suit their desires. This rule can be a key and hope for players who want to exit the Culling Game or help other players.

7. Agreement to New Rules:

In line with the previous rule, the game master must accept new rules requested by players, except if the requested rules have effects that will change or end the Culling Game itself. This rule explains that there are limitations that players must consider when adding new rules. The game master will not accept rules that will have a long-term impact on the Culling Game, such as stopping or canceling the Culling Game. However, since Fake Geto is not the game master but Kogane, Fake Geto cannot interfere in the affairs of the Culling Game. In other words, Fake Geto cannot reject new rules that are deemed disadvantageous to him, as long as the rules are approved by Kogane. So, any decision related to the addition of new rules will be made as fairly as possible.

8. Deadline for Points Accumulation:

If a player's score remains the same for 19 days, the player will undergo the removal of their cursed technique, in other words, death. This rule explains that players must continue to kill other players to earn points and prevent the removal of their cursed techniques. If one player succeeds in winning and killing all players in their colony, they still cannot rest and must switch to another colony to kill other players. This process will continue for players until they are killed or the Culling Game ends.

That's an explanation of the Culling Game and its rules that will accompany us Jujutsu Kaisen readers for the coming months. The Culling Game is likely to become the second major arc in this manga. And if we look at how brutal the existing rules are, we can estimate that the ending could be just as or even more intense than the Shibuya incident yesterday.

I hope this article is useful and interesting for you. If you have any questions, criticisms, or suggestions, please write them in the comments column. Thank you.

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