The reason Megumi Fushiguro was Appointed as The Leader of the Zenin Clan

Megumi Fushiguro
Megumi Fushiguro

The Zenin Clan is one of the three major clans that dominate the world of cursed sorcery, along with the Gojo Clan and the Kamo Clan. The Zenin Clan possesses a special power called the Shadow Technique (Ten Shadows), allowing them to manipulate shadows and use them for various purposes, such as moving swiftly, restraining enemies, or summoning cursed spirits.

The current leader of the Zenin Clan is Naobito Zenin, who is the uncle of Megumi Fushiguro, a friend of the main protagonist, Itadori Yuji, in the manga and anime series Jujutsu Kaisen. Naobito is a highly powerful and experienced cursed sorcerer, known as the "Fastest Cog," due to the speed and precision of his movements. Naobito also has a tough and arrogant demeanor, often mocking and belittling others, including members of his own family.

However, Naobito hasn't always been the leader of the Zenin Clan. Previously, the position was held by his brother, Toji Zenin, who is Megumi's father. Toji was a cursed sorcerer with no special powers but possessed extraordinary physical abilities and could wield weapons made from the body parts of cursed spirits. Known as the "Rising Sun," Toji could defeat enemies much stronger than himself, even nearly killing Satoru Gojo, the strongest cursed sorcerer in the world.

Toji was initially considered a disgrace to the Zenin Clan and was sold as an assassin by his father. Toji later married a woman with no special powers and had a child named Megumi. Despite his love for his wife and child, Toji felt that they would be better off without him, as he was often targeted by cursed sorcerers seeking to kill him. Toji then left his family, sending Megumi under the protection of another Zenin family.

Tragically, fate befell Toji's family. His wife died from an illness, and Megumi became an orphan. Toji himself died in battle against Satoru Gojo, attempting to kill him as part of an assassination mission given by the Kamo Clan. Before his death, Toji left his will to his brother Naobito, stating that he relinquished his inheritance rights as the leader of the Zenin Clan to Megumi, provided Megumi had a worthy special power. Toji also asked Naobito to take care of Megumi and give him a chance to live as a cursed sorcerer.

Naobito accepted Toji's will, making Megumi the legitimate heir of the Zenin Clan. However, Naobito didn't inform Megumi of this, and he didn't treat him well either. Naobito frequently criticized and challenged Megumi, trying to make him stronger and more deserving of leading the Zenin Clan. Naobito also didn't recognize Megumi as his nephew and only addressed him by his last name, Fushiguro.

Megumi Fushiguro
Megumi Fushiguro

Megumi, unaware of his father's legacy, is also uninterested in becoming the leader of the Zenin Clan. He cares more about his friends and people he considers important, willing to sacrifice himself to protect them. Megumi possesses a highly potent special power called the Ten Shadows Technique, enabling him to summon cursed spirits in the form of animals such as wolves, snakes, or birds. Megumi can also enter his own cursed spirit domain, known as the Shadow Domain, a space filled with shadows and cursed spirits.

At present, the Zenin Clan is undergoing an internal crisis as some members disagree with Naobito's decision to make Megumi his heir. One of them is Naoya Zenin, Megumi's cousin and Naobito's son. Naoya is a proud and cunning cursed sorcerer with a special power called the Reverse Shadow Technique, allowing him to manipulate space and time with his shadow. Naoya desires to become the leader of the Zenin Clan and plans to kill Megumi to claim his inheritance.

However, Naoya's plan is hindered by Naobito's death, which occurred while he was battling Jogo, one of the four special-grade cursed spirits working with Suguru Geto, a cursed sorcerer aiming to destroy the human world. Naobito died in the battle, but before his death, he gave his final will to Furudate, a loyal member of the Zenin Clan. In his will, Naobito altered the conditions for Megumi to be the Zenin Clan's leader, stating that Megumi must lead the clan if Satoru Gojo is deemed dead or mentally incapacitated. This change is due to the fact that Satoru Gojo has been sealed by Suguru Geto and cannot be freed by anyone.

Thus, Megumi officially becomes the leader of the Zenin Clan, although he is still unaware of it. Naoya, aware of Naobito's final will, becomes angry and frustrated, attempting to find a way to overthrow Megumi. However, he must be cautious as there are other Zenin Clan members supporting Megumi, such as Maki Zenin, Megumi's twin sister Mai Zenin's cousin. Maki is a cursed sorcerer without special powers but possesses exceptional physical strength and weapon abilities. Maki also has a good relationship with Megumi and is willing to help him if needed.

Meanwhile, Megumi continues to struggle with his friends, Yuji Itadori and Nobara Kugisaki, against the threats of cursed spirits and evil cursed sorcerers. Megumi also strives to find a way to free Satoru Gojo from his seal, considering him as his mentor and the person who saved his life. Megumi also wants to learn more about his father, Toji, and why he left him and his mother. Megumi is also curious about the Zenin Clan and what is expected of him as its leader.

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