Four Weaknesses of Mahito in Jujutsu Kaisen

Four Weaknesses of Mahito

Jujutsu Kaisen is currently one of the popular anime series. The series follows Itadori Yuji, a high school student involved in the world of jujutsu sorcery and curses. In this world, there are various curses with different powers and forms. One of the prominent curses is Mahito, representing humanity's fear of other humans.

Mahito is a curse with the ability to freely change the form and soul of humans. He also possesses a sadistic personality and cares little for human lives. He often conflicts with jujutsu sorcerers, especially Itadori Yuji, who harbors Sukuna, the strongest curse ever. Despite Mahito's extraordinary powers, he also has several weaknesses that can be exploited by his opponents. Here are four main weaknesses of Mahito:

1. Lack of experience: 

Mahito tends to lose focus during battles due to a lack of experience in facing jujutsu sorcerers. He often underestimates his opponents and fails to pay attention to the surrounding situation. He is also easily provoked emotionally and lacks strategic thinking. This makes him vulnerable to sudden attacks or traps set by his opponents. An example is when he was surprised by the attack of Nanami Kento, a grade one jujutsu sorcerer, who successfully cut off his arm using the Domain Expansion technique.

2. Existence of Yuji: 

Mahito has a specific weakness towards Itadori Yuji because of the powerful Sukuna's soul within Yuji's body. Mahito cannot easily manipulate Yuji's soul because Sukuna will protect it from Mahito's interference. Sukuna can also intervene in the battle between Mahito and Yuji, and even attack Mahito if he feels disturbed. An example is when Sukuna slapped Mahito hard because Mahito attempted to change Yuji's soul without Sukuna's permission.

3. Sukuna's Severance: 

Mahito sustains serious injuries from Sukuna when using his curse technique. These injuries cannot be easily healed, even with Mahito's regenerative abilities. The injuries also affect Mahito's soul, causing him immense pain. These injuries make Mahito weaker and unstable, impacting the strength and control of his curse. An example is when Mahito cannot perfectly change the form of his body and looks like a damaged puppet.

4. Vulnerability to Puppet Cursed Techniques: 

Mahito also has a weakness against cursed techniques that use puppets as a medium. This technique can disrupt Mahito's concentration and connection with the human souls he intends to change. It can also attack Mahito from a distance, making it challenging for him to reach and touch his opponent. An example is when Mahito struggled against Kugisaki Nobara, a jujutsu sorcerer who uses puppet cursed techniques.

Nobara possesses the Cursed Technique known as Straw Doll. Its principle closely resembles the workings of a Japanese shaman's curse, where Nobara requires various tools such as nails, a hammer, and a straw doll infused with the curse energy of its user. Nobara can directly attack by shooting nails directly at her target. Moreover, she can employ a curse-like method, given there is a part of the target's body available as a medium, such as blood or an enemy's limb. If Nobara has the required object, she simply needs to attack the severed body part. As a result, the effects of Nobara's attack will be directly transmitted to the owner, even if they are physically separated by a considerable distance.

Those are the four weaknesses of Mahito in Jujutsu Kaisen. Although Mahito is a very strong and dangerous curse, he also has vulnerabilities that can be exploited by his opponents. By knowing these weaknesses, jujutsu sorcerers can have a greater chance of defeating Mahito and stopping his evil actions.

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