Three Strongest Grade 1 Sorcerers in Jujutsu Kaisen

Jujutsu Kaisen
Jujutsu Kaisen

Jujutsu Kaisen is a manga and anime series that tells the story of a world where humans must face evil creatures called Curses, born from negative human energy. To combat Curses, there is a secret organization consisting of Jujutsu sorcerers who use special techniques to control and destroy Curses.

In the Jujutsu sorcerer hierarchy, Grade 1 can be considered the highest level achievable by young generations through their hard work. Grade 1 sorcerers have the abilities and experience to confront high-level Curses and even Special Grade Curses, which are Curses with exceptional intelligence and power.

Among the Grade 1 sorcerers, three individuals are considered the strongest: Mei Mei, Kento Nanami, and Aoi Todo. They have different characteristics and fighting styles, but each showcases their greatness in various situations. Here is a brief profile of the three strongest Grade 1 sorcerers in Jujutsu Kaisen.

Mei Mei

Mei mei
Mei mei

Mei Mei is a woman who is very fond of money and will do anything to get it. She is a Grade 1 sorcerer with the ability to utilize crows as spies, scouts, and attackers. This technique may seem weak, but Mei Mei can use it very effectively and creatively. She is also skilled in using weapons, especially an axe, which she wields with remarkable strength and speed.

Mei Mei made a significant contribution in the battle against Curses in Shibuya, where she defeated a Special Grade Curse named Uraume with the help of her younger sister, Ui Ui. She also assisted other sorcerers in facing Curses invading Tokyo. Mei Mei is one of the Grade 1 sorcerers who survived after that war.

Kento Nanami

Kento Nanami
Kento Nanami

Kento Nanami is a man with the most dignified appearance among Grade 1 sorcerers. He is a former office worker who grew tired of his job and decided to return to being a Jujutsu sorcerer. Nanami has a calm, rational, and professional personality, but he also possesses a dry sense of humor. He serves as a mentor to Yuji Itadori, the main protagonist of the series.

Nanami has the ability to divide space and objects into segments with a ratio of 7:3, which he calls the Cursed Technique Domain Expansion. With this technique, he can find weak points in his enemies and attack them with the folding knife he carries. He also has incredible physical strength and endurance, along with extensive knowledge of the Jujutsu world.

Unfortunately, Nanami had to sacrifice himself due to the burning injuries caused by Jogo, a Special Grade Curse controlling fire, and the attack from Mahito, a Special Grade Curse controlling souls. Nanami's death became one of the most poignant and stirring moments in Jujutsu Kaisen.

Aoi Todo

Aoi Todo
Aoi Todo

Aoi Todo is a young man who looks like a musclehead but is actually very intelligent and talented. He is a Grade 1 sorcerer from Kyoto Metropolitan Magic Technical School, a rival school to Tokyo Metropolitan Magic Technical School, where Yuji Itadori attends. Todo has an obsession with well-endowed women and always asks people about their preferences. He also has a habit of treating people he likes as his siblings.

Todo has the ability to swap positions with anyone or anything he touches, which he calls the Cursed Technique Reversal. With this technique, he can deceive and confuse his enemies and assist his friends in battles. He also has strong physical power and cursed technique skills, making him able to contend with Special Grade Curses like Hanami and Jogo.

Todo becomes close friends with Yuji Itadori after their fight in the Exchange Event Tournament. He teaches Itadori how to enhance his cursed energy flow by replacing his thoughts with something enjoyable. Todo also helps Itadori in the war against Curses in Shibuya, where he faces Jogo and Uraume. Despite sustaining severe injuries, he survives and promises to meet Itadori again.

Those are the three strongest Grade 1 sorcerers in Jujutsu Kaisen. They are examples of Jujutsu sorcerers dedicated to protecting humanity from Curse threats, albeit with different methods and motivations. They also have unique and interesting relationships with Yuji Itadori, who is the successor of the Curse King, Sukuna. What is your opinion on these three Grade 1 sorcerers? Do you have any other favorites? Please share your comments below.

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